Tax Claim Bureau
Welcome to the County of Elk Tax Claim Bureau web site.
Tyler Daniels, Supervisor Kristen Roselli, Director
The county is aware of the error message that users are receiving when trying to access the payment site for taxes. We are working on getting the issue resolved.
Click here to visit the payment site:
We invite you to browse the most recent information concerning our delinquent real estate taxes.
The Elk County Tax Claim Bureau is responsible for the collection of all delinquent real estate taxes on behalf of the County, 12 Municipalities and 6 School Districts within Elk County. The Bureau operates under the Pennsylvania Real Estate Tax Sale Law Act 542 of 1947.
The Tax claim Bureau provides statutorily mandated notices to owners and administers Upset Tax Sales, Judicial Sales, Repository of Unsold Properties and maintains Bankruptcy status. The Bureau also provides Tax Certifications regarding paid and unpaid taxes upon request.
All real estate taxes are considered delinquent if not paid by December 31st of the current year. Any unpaid taxes are returned to the Tax Claim Bureau during the month of January. Interest accrues at the rate of ¾% of 1% per month of 9% annum. The Tax Claim Bureau conducts several sales each year. The Upset Tax Sale is held in September, the Continued Upset Sale is held in December and more than one Judicial Sale may be held during the year.
The County of Elk Tax Claim Bureau makes no representations or warranties on any properties sold during tax sales. The Bureau also does NOT give legal advice concerning tax issues.
The Elk County Tax Claim Bureau is pleased to offer the MSB Payment System, which is a secure, easy to navigate system that allows the tax payer to log on and pay their real estate taxes by check or credit card from home.
Click here to visit the payment site: