Monday, 16 May 2016 19:06

Frequently Asked Questions


Are there any programs that can help me pay for repairs to my house?
Are there any programs available to help me pay for accessibility modifications to my house?

How do I...

Apply for a marriage license?
Apply for Public Defender services?
Contact the Board of Commissioners, elected officials, prison inmates...
File for protection from abuse (PFA)?
File for child support?
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Find a county ordinance?
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Find services for children and young people?
Find tax information about my property?
Find out about Commissioners' Public Meetings?
Find out about Elk County History?
Get a copy of my birth certificate?
Get a dog license?
Get a hunting or fishing license?
Get a ride?
Get a copy of a deed?
Get a copy of my military discharge (DD-214)?
Obtain a death record?
Obtain court records?
Obtain County GIS information?
Obtain a license to carry a firearm?
Obtain veterans' benefits?
Obtain an absentee ballot?
Register to vote?
Research my family history?
Report animal abuse?
Report an illegal dump?
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Are there any programs that can help me pay for repairs to my house?
The ELK COUNTY HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM (ECHRP) is available to homeowners in Elk County. You must own your home, have lived in it for at least six months and meet certain income limits. Currently, the program is two tier, either entirely a non-repayable grant or a combination loan/grant, based on total household income. Call (814) 776-5335 for further information.

Are there any programs available to help me pay for accessibility modifications to my house?
The NORTHERN TIER ACCESS GRANT (NTAG) is available to citizens of Elk, Cameron, McKean, and Potter Counties. The program can help with accessibility modifications (ramps, chair lifts, etc.). Information about the program can be obtained by calling Life and Independence For Today, (814) 781-3050.

Apply for a marriage license?
Persons applying for a marriage license must appear in person before the Register & Recorder located on the first floor of the main Courthouse.

Apply for Public Defender services?
Contact the Public Defender's office at (814) 245-2100

Contact the Board of Commissioners, elected officials, prison inmates...

File for Protection from Abuse (PFA)?
PFA's can be applied for by calling the Court Clerk at (814) 776-5327.

File for child support
Requests for child support can be made by contacting the Domestic Relations section located on the first floor of the Courthouse or by calling (814) 772-5155.

Find a County job?
Job postings for the County of Elk can be seen under "Employment Opportunities" on the main page. Applications can be obtained in the Commissioners office from 8:30 a.m. through 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.

Find a County ordinance?
County ordinances can be found in the archive of the main page.

Find County demographic and planning information?
Click HERE for Elk County's Demographic Information.

Find my polling place?
Polling place information is located at the official Elk County Elections office website.

Find services for children and young people?
The Children & Youth services office is located on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex and can also be reached by calling (814) 776-1553.

Find tax information about my property?
The Elk County Tax Assessment office located on the first floor of the Courthouse is responsible for maintaining property records in regards to taxation of property and buildings.

Find out about Commissioners' public meetings?
Meeting times and dates are posted on the Commissioners page.

Find out about Elk County history?
Historical information can be found at the Elk County Historical Society located at 109 Center Street, Ridgway, PA 15853, or by calling (814) 776-1032.

Get a copy of my birth certificate?
Birth certificated records can be obtained through PA Department of Health, Division of Vital Records website.

Get a dog, hunting, or fishing license?
The Elk County Treasurer's office sells dog, hunting, and fishing licenses. More information can be obtained at the Elk County Treasurer's office website.

Get a ride?
Public transportation is available through the Area Transportation Authority (ATA). Contact information can be found at the ATA website.

Get a copy of a deed?
Deed information is kept on record at the Elk County Register and Recorder's office located on the first floor of the Courthouse.

Get a copy of my military discharge (DD-214)?
Paperwork for filing a request for the DD-214 must be submitted through the Veterans' Affairs office located on the first floor of the Courthouse Annex.

Obtain a death record?
Death record information can be obtained through the PA Department of Health, Division of Vital Records website.

Obtain county GIS information?
Information requests can be made at the IT/GIS Department located on the second floor of the Courthouse Annex, or by calling (814) 776-5378.

How do I report animal abuse?
Animal abuse can be reported to the Elk County Animal Control Officer by calling (814) 781-6818.

Obtain a license to carry a firearm?
Protection permits can be obtained in the Sheriff's office located on the first floor of the Courthouse. For further information call (814) 776-5353.  Additional information can be found by clicking here.

Obtain Veterans' benefits?
Information for obtaining Veterans' benefits can be found at the Veterans' Affairs office on the first floor of the Courthouse Annex or by calling (814) 776-5370.

Obtain an Absentee Ballot?
Ballots can be obtained from the Voter Registration/Elections office located on the first floor of the Courthouse Annex or by calling (814) 776-5317.

Register to vote?
Voter Registration applications can be obtained from the Voter Registration/Elections office located on the first floor of the Courthouse Annex or by calling (814) 776-5317.

Research my family history?
Vital records such as marriage license, birth certificates, etc., can be found in the Register & Recorder's office located on the first floor of the Courthouse.

Report an illegal dump?
To report an illegal dump (daily trash, construction debris, appliances, vehicle parts, etc.) please contact the Solid Waste Enforcement Officer, Dave Stubber at the Elk County Recycling/Solid Waste Office (814) 776-5373 or (814) 834-4886.

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Read 70046 times Last modified on Thursday, 29 September 2016 13:20


Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853