Thursday, 02 June 2016 13:25

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) Permits

Some earth moving projects may require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for storm water discharges from construction activities. This permit is required for all disturbances involving one (1) acre or more of disturbance over the life of the project.

There are two types of NPDES permits for strom water discharges from construction activities.
Individual Permits are required for those projects that will occur in Special Protection Watersheds, such as streams classified in Chapter 93 or on the DEP Existing Use classification as High Quality (HQ) or Exceptional Value (EV). Exceptional Value wetlands and streams classified as “Class A Wild Trout” by the PA Fish & Boat Commission may also be considered as Special Protection Watersheds. A significant history of non-compliance by an applicant and other special circumstances at the discretion of DEP may also result in the Individual Permit requirement.
General Permits are required for all other projects that meet the NPDES permit criteria but do not fall under the Individual Permit guidelines.

The following is a list of requirements for NPDES permit applications:

  • Notice of Intent (NOI) or Application Form
  • General Information Form (GIF) (* only required for Individual Permits)
  • Cultural Resource Notice (* only required for Individual Permits disturbing 10 acres or more)
  • Permit Filing Fee ($500 for General Permits, $1500 for Individual Permits). Checks made payable to the Elk County Clean Water Fund
  • $100.00 per Disturbed Acre Fee. Checks made payable to the Pennsylvania Clean Water Fund
  • Elk County Conservation District Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plan Review Fees (see review fee schedule)
  • Location Map
  • Erosion and Sediment Pollution Control Plan
  • County and Municipal Notices
  • Proof of Receipt of County and Municipal Notices
  • Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory (PNDI) search results and clearances
  • Post-Construction Stormwater Management Plans
  • Consistency letter from County or Municipal engineer (* if applicable)
  • Appendix B Land Use Questions
  • Completed Worksheets 1 through 5

In Elk County, General Permits are issued by the Conservation District. The Conservation District performs an administrative review of the Individual Permit applications, but the PA Department of Environmental Protection’s North West Regional Office is responsible for final permit issuance for Individual Permits. It is a Pennsylvania requirement that a pre-application meeting be scheduled for all NPDES Permits. Please contact the Conservation District to schedule a meeting to discuss your project prior to submitting the permit application.

Periodically, workshops are held for earth moving contractors, developers, municipal officials, and others to explain the Rules and Regulations relating to the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law and PA Code, Tile 25, Chapter 102. If you have questions about these rules and regulations or about how to control accelerated erosion, please call the Conservation District at (814) 776-5373

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Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853