Saturday, 04 June 2016 09:53

Rain Barrels

 What is a Rain Barrel?

A rain barrel is a container that is placed under the downspout that collects and stores rainwater from the roof. Rain barrels can be bought from home and hardware stores or they can be constructed on your own with a recycled plastic 55-gallon container. Barrels can even be painted to match your home!

 Why Own a Rain Barrel?  

Rain Barrels are good for both you and the environment. In the summer, they help lower your water bills by collecting thousands of gallons of free water that can be used to water gardens and flowers and also help wash cars. Rain Barrels are helpful to the environment because they reduce pollution by decreasing the amount of storm water runoff that reaches our streams. Storm water that runs off roofs from our homes and lawns pick up anything on the ground including litter, excess fertilizer, pet waste, and motor oil and eventually end up in our waterways. Rain Barrels help protect our waterways by collecting that runoff before it reaches the streams and rivers.


Make Your Own Rain Barrel!


Read 7746 times Last modified on Saturday, 04 June 2016 10:01


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250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

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300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853