Wednesday, 11 May 2016 16:04

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers have always played a role in the projects – from cleanups to special collections. But over the past half-dozen years, volunteers have become central to the operation. Volunteers are essential to the electronics recycling collection each month and, without question, volunteers help keep the community recycling center running.

Our volunteers are part of this team, and important to our success.

Our volunteers are retirees, school students, and every age in-between. The adage, “Many hands make light work” is especially true in what we do, and every person has something to offer. If you want more information about volunteering, please call the recycling office at 776-5373 or the Community Recycling Center at 834-4886.


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Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853