Thursday, 02 June 2016 13:22

Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plans

Erosion & Sediment Pollution Control Plans

An erosion and sediment pollution control plan is a site specific plan identifying best management practices or ways in which accelerated erosion and sediment pollution will be minimized. The erosion and sediment pollution control plan should be developed by an individual who has been trained or has experience in erosion and sediment control methods and techniques. A plan typically includes a plan narrative and plan drawings. The plan should be developed prior to any earth disturbance activities at the site.

At a minimum, the plan should contain the following information:

  • Identification of existing topographic features at the site and immediate surrounding area. Includes a location map identifying the site location.
  • Soils information including the soil types, depths, slopes, locations, characteristics, and limitations of the soils present at the site.
  • Characteristics of the earth disturbance activity including the past, present and proposed land uses, as well as, a description of the proposed alteration to the project site.
  • The amount (volume and rate) of runoff from the project and the upstream watershed area.
  • Location of Waters of the Commonwealth which may receive discharges from the project. The Chapter 93 and/or Existing Use water quality classification of the receiving waters should also be identified.
  • The type of perimeter and on-site best management practices that will be used to minimize soil erosion and sediment pollution should be identified.
  • A sequence of construction identifying the installation of erosion and sediment pollution control devices and facilities, schedule of earth disturbance activities, temporary and permanent stabilization, and removal of temporary erosion and sediment pollution control devices upon final stabilization.
  • Supporting calculations.
  • Plan drawings depicting existing and proposed site features, slope of land, Waters of the Commonwealth, locations of erosion and sediment control devices and facilities, existing and proposed stormwater conveyance systems and other necessary information.
  • A maintenance plan which provides for inspection of erosion and sediment pollution control devices and facilities on a weekly basis and following precipitation events, as well as, maintenance, replacement or repairs to inadequate or damaged controls and devices to ensure effective and efficient operation.
  • Procedures which identify proper measures for recycling and disposal of construction wastes from the project site.
  • Identification of naturally occurring geologic formations or soil conditions that may potentially cause pollution during earth moving activities and include measures to avoid or minimize the impacts.
  • Identification of potential thermal impacts to surface waters of the Commonwealth and include methods or devices to avoid, minimize, or mitigate those thermal impacts.
  • The erosion and sediment control plan must be designed to be consistent with the post-construction storm water management plan.
  • Identification of existing and proposed riparian buffers.

The erosion and sediment pollution control plan should be kept at the site throughout the duration of the earth moving activities. Inspectors from the Elk County Conservation District and/or PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) may visit the site and request to see the plan.


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Elk County Courthouse
250 Main Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853

Elk County Courthouse Annex
300 Center Street
P.O. Box 448
Ridgway, PA 15853